Wednesday, October 28, 2009

long time no blog

So I have not updated my blog forever so I got lots to say!! We have been pretty busy the last month. Angie, Mike, Lucas and his friends along with Nick and myself headed down to Ste. Genevieve, MO to Crown Valley winery. This is an annual event that is only allowed to take place once due to the craziness we get ourselves into!! Wine is a different kind of drunk, one minute you are on a tour feeling fine the next minute you are grinding with the class of '79 (that would be my brother)!! We then ventured to the new brewery down the road. I dont like beer so I drank the heck out of Fizzy Izzy root beer. After about an hour or so, everyone was starting to get crazy so we called it a day and went to eat. Good wine, good friends, good memories!! The next week Nick and I attended a wedding of Carl and Aimee (Nick works with Carl). We got to experience the worlds worst wedding crasher!! An Elvis impersonator was hired by the bride's parents to perform a few songs at the reception. You should have seen the look on there faces, fear, disbelief and anger!!We all got a laugh though. The next weekend Mallory, mom and myself went to the Coevered Bridge Festival. This year we decided to spend the night in Terre Haute and go 2 days instead of just one. It was a little chilly but lots of fun. Last year, every pumpkin I found I bought and this year it was snowmen. Mallory was getting crabby because I picked up every snowman that I saw and tried to picture where in my house I could put him!! The following weekend I went to Newton to help my mom paint her bedroom. She has not re-done her bedroom since we moved in to the house 15 years ago. She had a brilliant idea to stripe one of the walls. It seemed like a great idea at the time, but half way through we decided it was not so brilliant. We eventually finished and I have to say it turned out wonderfully. I did not get to see the entire room put back together so I am excited to check out the end product. Last weekend we celebrated my sister-in-laws birthday. Christy turns 29 on the 29th, her golden b-day!! Happy early b-day, Christy!! And last but not least Happy Halloween!! I know it is early, but I figure I probably would forget to update and the holiday would be over. To all my friends with kiddos, send pics of all your ghosts and goblins.